Signage system Rottemeren

Signage system Rottemeren
from Moerkapelle to Rotterdam
Staasbosbeheer, Recreatieschap Rottemeren
Year design
In cooperation with
Raakvlak ontwerp en communicatie
Year realisation

Landscape park De Rotte lies on both sides of the peat river De Rotte. It consists of various subareas, each with its own character and use, and a wide range of recreational facilities.

Commissioned by Recreatieschap Rottemeren (a joint venture of the municipality of Rotterdam, municipality of Lansingerland and municipality of Zuidplas), Blom&Moors design public space and Raakvlak ontwerp en communicatie, in close consultation with Staatsbosbeheer and the entrepreneurs in the landscape park, designed the new recreational signposting, which has now been installed. The signposting helps walkers, cyclists, horse riders and water sports enthusiasts find their way even better in the busy recreational area.

A future-proof system
The signage system consists of a series of characteristic objects that blend naturally into the peat meadow landscape. It is a future-proof system of foil-covered aluminium panels in various formats on durable wooden uprights. The foil or a panel as a whole can be easily replaced for modification or in case of damage.

At the entrance to the Landscape Park, ‘welcome signs’ with the names of the subareas are displayed. On the information posts, the peat-brown lower panels refer to the recreational opportunities within the subarea. The sky-blue top panels give directions to the surrounding sub-areas and general facilities such as information points and parking facilities. The extensive range of signage is recognisable by its shape, typography, use of colour, pictograms and 'water pattern', which have been specially designed for Landscape Park De Rotte. This has created an unambiguous, contemporary and area-specific identity. In cooperation with Staatsbosbeheer, the locations were determined and the aim was always to keep signs to a minimum in order to preserve the tranquillity of the landscape.

The new signage consists of a series of three types of signs:
- entrance signs for the designation of sub-areas
- signs for signposting two or three directions
- signs for signposting one direction
Road markings have also been developed to indicate the subareas.

The designs link up with the information posts already realised along the Rotte (with an overview map and information on the cultural history of the site) and further complete the series of information facilities in Landscape Park De Rotte from source to dam.

See also Information posts along the Rotte